Slip & Fall Accident Lawyers

We help you get what you deserve

Slipping and falling due to hazardous conditions on someone else’s property are the most common premise liability cases. The governing legislation in Ontario is the Occupier’s Liability Act (not for municipal cases) which states that an occupier of premises owes a duty to take reasonable care for the safety of any person that is on their premises. If the owner of the property knew or should have known of the hazardous condition on their property but failed to warn you of the dangerous conditions and you slipped and/or tripped as a result of that hazardous condition, then you may have a claim against the property owner.

You must act now

Please note that there are very time sensitive notice periods that must be followed if you have fallen on municipal property – as short as ten days. This notice letter to the municipal clerk should be sent by registered mail. If you have missed the notice time period, you should contact a lawyer immediately as there are some circumstances where a judge may extend the time. After providing this letter, you have two years to start your lawsuit against the city/town or other property owner.

We will do what's best for you

After a slip and fall accident, there is an immediate investigation that needs to be completed very quickly after the time of the incident. At Virk Personal Injury Law we have the skills and resources to complete this investigation thoroughly to determine: who the property owner is, whether the property owner was negligent and to hire the appropriate experts to conduct an on-site examination, gather witness statement, secure measurements, photographs and any video surveillance. You also want to be sure to preserve the footwear you wore when you fell. We have represented many slip and fall victims and know you have many questions and are worried about your future. We are here to help you.

Compensation for you

Your claim may seek compensation for:

  • Pain and suffering damages (for loss of your enjoyment of life)
  • Loss of future earnings (financial loss due to the inability to work, reduced earning capacity and loss of future opportunity)
  • Future care costs (medical care, rehabilitation and other future costs including nursing or attendant care beyond what is available from accident benefits)
  • Housekeeping and Homemaking Services
  • Compensation for family members affected by your injuries (for cost of services you provided and the loss of care, guidance and companionship they have suffered)

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