Premises Liability Injury Lawyers

Places you go should be safe

Premises or property liability is an area of law that involves the legal responsibility of owners and occupiers of property for accidents and injuries suffered by persons inside or outside their property due to unsafe conditions. In Ontario, the Occupiers Liability Act governs this area of law and places a duty on property owners (homeowners, business owners, tenants) to keep their premises in a reasonably safe condition to prevent injury of visitors, for appropriate steps to be taken to correct any hazardous conditions and to warn persons of any hazards on the property.

Unfortunately, some owners neglect to fulfill their responsibilities and do not adequately maintain or repair property thereby putting others at unnecessary risk of injury. This covers properties such as grocery stores, restaurants and bars, retail stores and malls, theme parks and playgrounds, roads and sidewalks.
Causes of accidents on a property may be due to the following unsafe conditions:

  • Falling objects
  • Ice or snow
  • Uneven surfaces
  • Impediments in walking surfaces
  • Potholes
  • Insufficient security or supervision
  • Assaults
  • Poor lighting
  • Defective stairs
  • Sporting injuries
  • Drowning
  • Breaches of building codes
  • Municipal property accidents on roads and sidewalks

We are experts in premises liability

Premises liability laws are complex and it can be difficult to assess who is responsible for your injuries. If you yourself are the property owner facing legal trouble, you may wish to hire a criminal lawyer. It is important to contact an experienced premises liability lawyer without delay so that we can start a thorough investigation to determine who the property owner is and hire the appropriate experts to investigate whether the property owner was negligent through an on-site examination, gathering witness statements, and securing measurements, photographs and any video surveillance. Virk Personal Injury Law will pursue the negligent property owner on your behalf to hold them accountable for your injuries.

Compensation is available to you

If you were not completely at fault for the incident, we can help you recover compensation from at-fault parties for:

  • Pain and suffering damages (for loss of your enjoyment of life)
  • Loss of future earnings (financial loss due to the inability to work, reduced earning capacity and loss of future opportunity)
  • Future care costs (medical care, rehabilitation and other future costs including nursing or attendant care beyond what is available from accident benefits)
  • Housekeeping and Homemaking Services
  • Compensation for family members affected by your injuries (for cost of services you provided and the loss of care, guidance and companionship they have suffered)

Book a free consultation.

Let us help you.