What You Need To Know About Ontario’s Minor Injury Guideline (MIG)

What You Need To Know About Ontario's Minor Injury Guideline (MIG)

As part of the Statutory Accidents Benefits Schedule (SABS), the Minor Injury Guideline (MIG) is designed to advise on how accident victims are covered for goods and services by their insurers if their injuries fall under the MIG guidelines.

Insurance companies claim the objectives of MIG are to ensure quick access to rehabilitation for those who sustain minor injuries in auto accidents as well as to improve the use of health resources, provide clarity around cost and payment for both insurers and health professionals, and help with inclusivity in immediate access to treatment. However, this comes at a serious cost to accident victims, as the MIG limits medical and rehabilitation benefits to a mere $3,500. It is therefore important to understand what is and what isn’t classified as a minor injury and seek legal help to determine if there is medical evidence to remove you from the MIG and into the next category of medical and rehabilitation benefits which will provide you with access to $65,000 in funding.

What Is Classified As A Minor Injury?

A minor injury is classified as one or more of the following:

  • Sprain
  • Strain
  • Whiplash
  • Contusion
  • Abrasion
  • Laceration
  • Subluxation
  • Any injury that occurs because of another injury

The MIG does not cover injuries like:

  • Concussions
  • Fractures
  • Psychological impairments
  • Injuries that require surgery

What Benefits Does A Minor Injury Qualify For?

The MIG allows for up to $3500 of medical and rehabilitation benefits without any need for ongoing approval from your insurer.

The money is intended to cover a range of treatments and therapies and can go towards paying for doctors, chiropractors, optometrists, physical therapists, physiotherapists, dentists, or speech-language pathologists.

In addition, equipment may be needed for treatment, which the money may also cover. However, if you have extended health benefits, then you will need to use those benefits before you can access the benefits via MIG.

What Are The Other Categories Of Injury?

Benefits may vary in availability and criteria depending upon the kind of injury you experience. There are different categories of injury and correct categorization is important.

Non-Catastrophic Injuries

A non-catastrophic injury is defined as an injury that is neither minor nor catastrophic. It also describes an injury that you are expected to recover from.

Examples of non-catastrophic injuries may include:

  • Broken bones
  • Burns that are less serious and likely to heal
  • Head injuries, like concussions
  • Psychological impairments

Non-catastrophic injuries do not fall under the MIG but do not qualify as catastrophic injuries either. The term ‘non-catastrophic’ is not used in MIG.

Benefits for non-catastrophic injuries cover more types of treatment and are capped much higher than MIG at $65,000. Benefits may vary depending on whether or not you hold Optional Accident Benefits.

Catastrophic Injuries

Catastrophic injuries are defined in the Statutory Accident Benefit Schedule. A catastrophic injury includes injuries like:

  • Paraplegia or tetraplegia
  • Amputation or severely restricted mobility of an arm or leg
  • Loss of vision in both eyes
  • Physical, mental, or behavioural impairments that combine to a 55% whole person impairment.

Victims who are impacted by catastrophic injuries are entitled to more benefits than those with less serious injuries. Benefits for catastrophic injury include $1,000,000 for medical treatment and rehabilitation and attendant care benefits as well as other benefits like housekeeping.

Looking For An Experienced Car Accident Lawyer In Hamilton? Call Virk Lawyers!

If you’re looking for experienced personal injury lawyers, get in contact with Virk Personal Injury Law! Virk Lawyers can help remove you from the Minor Injury Guideline to obtain more dollars for your medical and rehabilitation than the $3500 otherwise available to you.

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