Children are our most precious possessions. As parents and guardians, we worry about their safety and well-being daily, especially since we cannot be by their side 24 hours a day. Instead, we trust their care in the hands of supervisors at school, day care, and recreational facilities. There is no excuse for the negligent actions or inactions that cause a child to suffer an injury. We understand it is heartbreaking to see your child in pain and you are consumed with grief and maybe even guilt. Let us help your family through this difficult time and guide you through every step to hold the responsible party accountable for their negligence.
Virk Personal Injury Law has been appointed to act on behalf of the Office of Children’s Lawyer to represent the interests of children. Our expertise is trusted and respected. In Ontario, there are many specific legal rules to be followed when acting for children who have been injured. For example, a litigation guardian has to be appointed to act on the child’s behalf. Also, any settlement where a child is involved, even if a formal court proceeding has not been started, must be approved by the Superior Court of Justice to ensure it is made in the best interest of the child
At Virk Personal Injury Law, we are dedicated and experienced experts ready to fight for you and your child to obtain the best compensation available and the best medical attention possible to quickly reach maximum recovery. We have a network of highly qualified medical experts that have specialized knowledge and experience working with children such as paediatric neurologists, neuro-psychologists, education specialists, speech pathologists, family physicians and any others that may be necessary. We also recognize that, often, the injuries sustained by children have life long implications that may not always be obvious at the outset. We will therefore take the time to make sure all implications of your child’s injuries have surfaced so that we can best protect your child’s present and future interests.
Our expertise covers injuries to children due to the following:
In such situations, children are innocent and vulnerable as they do not have the foresight to fend for themselves. If your child’s injury is due to the negligence of another caregiver or product, make the right choice by teaming up with reputable legal representation to ensure your child’s best interest is protected. Call us for straightforward advice and dedicated service – 905 521 8888.