Is your insurance company treating you unfairly?
Your insurance company must treat you fairly pursuant to its obligation of good faith and fairness. In practical terms, it means that those who sustain personal injuries in an accident and apply for accident benefits from their automobile insurer must be treated in a manner that would help them in their recovery and rehabilitation. The […]
New Laws Proposed to Stop Speeding
Speeding and road safety has been a longstanding issue in Ontario. High speed motor vehicle accidents result in some of the most severe or even catastrophic personal injuries. Regrettably, despite stay-at-home orders and public gathering restrictions during this COVID-19 pandemic crisis, a surprising trend has been the increase in speeding and other dangerous traffic offences on Ontario roads. Speeding […]
Who will pay for my medical bills after my car accident?
An accident can be a life changing event. In midst of all the physical and mental challenges of dealing with such unexpected situations, many are also perplexed by the thought of the cost of treatment and who is going to pay for the medical bills? “When I opened up the bill and saw it […]
Mental Health Matters
The Mental Health Commission of Canada estimates that mental challenges are faced by nearly 1 in 5 Canadians. It also estimates that about 30% of short- and long-term disability claims in Canada are attributed to mental health problems and illnesses. An excerpt below from the Commission’s March 2017 report named “Strengthening the Case for Investing […]
I was attacked by a dog and have dog bites, can I sue?
The COVID-19 pandemic has led to significant physical, mental, and economic challenges. The recurring lockdowns can result in social isolation for some among us and having a dog or other animal can prove beneficial for our mental health. For many of us, our form of activity these days is getting outdoors for a walk. The […]
The Courts are Responding to COVID-19
In early 2020, the emerging COVID-19 pandemic resulted in instant changes and restrictions to nearly every facet of our everyday lives, including the operation of the courts in Ontario and elsewhere. As many active court cases including personal injury litigation were put on pause or delayed, it became apparent that the courts would have to […]
Slipped and fell on snow or ice? Act fast.
On December 8, 2020, Bill 118 in Ontario came into effect, introducing changes to the Occupiers’ Liability Act. This is the legislation which establishes the duties and responsibilities of those in control of property or premises for things like keeping the property reasonably safe. This law is relied upon by victims of slip and fall […]
Self-Driving Cars are Here
Did you know that as of January 2019, driverless cars are allowed on Ontario roads? At that time, Ontario’s transportation minister announced that participants in the automated vehicle pilot program could begin to test driverless cars on public roadways as long as certain conditions were met, including having a passenger aboard the vehicle or a […]
Increased jail time for careless drivers
In March 2020, due to the emergence of the COVID-19 pandemic, despite a gradual return towards business as usual, many Ontarians continue to work from home resulting in fewer vehicles on our streets. However, the empty streets and highways have also resulted in an increase in drivers engaging in reckless driving at high speeds. The […]
What is the duty of a bar owner to provide security for its patrons?
An owner of a bar or club has an obligation to make sure it is safe for its patrons to use. This means, for example, ensuring that enough security guards are present, they are properly trained and that they do not use more force than reasonably necessary. An owner only has to take reasonable steps […]