Is any economic loss, however minimal, sufficient for attendant care benefit eligibility?
Since the September 2010 changes requiring a family member who provides attendant care services to demonstrate an economic loss in providing care in order to be eligible for attendant care benefits, lawyers for injured people have been advocating for a broad interpretation to be adopted for the term economic loss. Plaintiff’s counsel can now also […]
What is required for “medical reasons” in notice of denial?
When the insurance company denies treatment or payment of benefits and sends you to an insurer examination, be sure to check with your lawyer if you are required to attend. There are many requirements the insurance company must fulfill in order to properly require your attendance. With the September 2010 changes to the Statutory Accident […]
MIG decision rescinded, new hearing ordered
The first ever decision interpreting the Minor Injury Guideline (MIG), Scarlett v Bel Air, is going to a new hearing with a new arbitrator. FSCO Director’s Delegate David Evans granted Bel Air’s appeal of the decision finding that Arbitrator Wilson erred in many respects including: – in finding that the burden of proof is on […]