The Elimination/Waiting Period For Disability Insurance

The Elimination-Waiting Period For Disability Insurance

If you’ve been injured or have a chronic illness that makes you unable to work, you may be in the process of applying for long-term disability insurance benefits. The process can take some time and there is lots of legal and insurance jargon to get your head around.

A term that you may have come across is the ‘disability insurance elimination period’ or the ‘waiting period’. In this article, we’re going to go over what an elimination/waiting period actually is in terms of long-term disability, how long it lasts, and why it exists in the first place. Keep reading to learn more.

What’s A Waiting Period Exactly?

The waiting period or elimination period of a disability insurance claim is the time from when the injury or illness first occurred to when the individual actually receives payment from the insurance company.

Claimants of long-term disability insurance are sometimes required to use up all their sick days, vacation days, short–term disability, and any employment insurance benefits during this time.

How Long Does One Normally Have To Wait?

A typical waiting period will last between 90 and 120 days, but this isn’t always the case. Many factors can influence and alter the course of your long-term disability claim, extending this waiting period beyond the usual 90–120 day limit such as recipients may need to prove their disability or injury through medical reports along with other documents which take some time to gather. However, some insurance providers will give eligible recipients their benefits after the 90th day of the waiting period.

Long-term disability claims tend to have longer waiting periods than short-term claims and elimination periods can extend up to 365 days in some cases. If your insurance is part of a benefits package that you receive from your employer, you can check the benefits information to find out more about possible waiting periods.

It is also important to note that the amount you pay in premiums will impact your waiting period. If you have a relatively cheap contract, you’re more likely to wait longer during your elimination period than if you pay more for your insurance plan.

The Reasons Why A Waiting Period Exists

There are a few reasons for the waiting period in disability claims which include:

  • Long-term disability claims are complex contracts, so reviewing your claims takes more time
  • It allows time to determine the severity of your injuries and whether they will have an indefinite impact on your ability to work
  • As you must apply for a short-term disability claim before a long-term disability claim, the waiting period ensures these two benefits do not cross over

Can I Receive Other Benefits While Waiting For Long-Term Benefits?

Yes, you can. During the waiting period, you can receive several different kinds of benefits. You should apply for short-term disability benefits to bridge the gap between your injury or illness and your long-term claim. Your employer may also offer you paid time off.

For those who are self-employed or without an employer-sponsored long-term disability plan, Employment Insurance (EI) sickness benefits provide you with up to 15 weeks of coverage, as long as you qualify for them.

Want To File A Long Term Disability Claim? Call Virk Lawyers Today.

Are you looking for a personal injury lawyer? Hamilton residents can rely on Virk Personal Injury Law for all of their claims. We’ve got an excellent track record of getting people the money they need and deserve after an injury, and we can help you out too. Get in touch with our team of experienced lawyers today to find out more.

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