Five Advantages of Purchasing Optional Automobile Insurance Benefits

When shopping for car insurance, you should hear about “optional benefits.” Outside of increasing the monthly insurance premium, not many people know about their significance. While some people overlook optional benefits in favor of a cheaper monthly premium, those who don’t may be in for a number of advantages should the unthinkable happen and they get into a car accident and suffer serious injuries.  This is especially true with the relentless cuts that have been made to the basic benefits you can expect to receive.


Here are five benefits afforded to people who opt to purchase optional benefits:


1) Enhanced Coverage for Medical and Rehabilitation Costs


Injured individuals with optional benefits can have up to $1,000,000 to use for medical, rehabilitation, and attendant care benefits. For people who suffer injuries that are more than minor but less than catastrophic and do not purchase optional benefits, this amount is capped at $65,000. The additional coverage can make a significant difference in feeling well-supported in a frightening time and enhance your chances of reaching maximum medical recovery.


2) Lifelong Access to Benefits


With optional benefits, the $1,000,000 can be used over the course of the injured person’s life, as opposed to being limited to five years. This extended timeframe provides peace of mind and ensures ongoing support for long-term rehabilitation and care needs.


3) Housekeeping and Home Maintenance Support


Optional benefits can provide access to funds for housekeeping or home maintenance expenses. These benefits are usually reserved for those who meet the test for catastrophic impairment, but with optional benefits, even those with less severe injuries can receive this support. Maintaining a clean and safe home environment can be very difficult when suffering from injuries and impairments from a car accident.


4) Caregiver Support


Individuals with optional benefits can access caregiver benefits. This applies to individuals who were the primary caregiver for a dependent.  For example, a stay at home mom. This benefit is ordinarily reserved for people who suffer the catastrophic injuries. Having access to caregiver support can significantly ease the burden on family members and ensure that the injured person has the time to focus on rehabilitation while knowing their family member is being well cared for.


5) Increased Income Replacement


Ordinarily capped at 70% of a person’s weekly income to a maximum of $400 per week, an injured person with this optional benefit can increase their weekly income replacement benefit to 70% of their weekly income up to a maximum of $600, $800, or $1,000 per week. This enhanced income replacement can provide financial stability during recovery.  The appeal of this enhanced option depends on your current income and what other insurance you have in place to supplement your income should you not be able to work.


Next time you’re shopping for car insurance, remember to ask about optional benefits. You may regret your decision not to purchase them! At Virk Personal Injury Law, we encourage you to consider these options for greater security and peace of mind on the road to recovery.

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