Latest Devices for Spinal Cord Rehab

Latest Devices for Spinal Cord RehabSpinal injuries are devastating and can leave you with either temporary or permanent paralysis. For many catastrophic injury survivors with either lower limb or full body paralysis, rehabilitation for a traumatic spinal cord injury is a lengthy and painful process.

Some technology advancements have resulted in innovative devices that mimic nerve function, provide a wearable exoskeleton and implant directly into the cord to give direct communication between the brain and prosthetic devices.

With such advancements, some catastrophic injury sufferers can regain at least some of their motor function, as well as their independence, and muscle strength.

At Virk Lawyers, our personal injury lawyers believe in facilitating maximum medical recovery, so that’s why we’ve created this guide to several latest devices for spinal cord rehab.

Spinal cord injury rehabilitation can be an extensive, gradual process to try and help victims recover as much motor function as possible. In other cases, this rehabilitation will help spinal cord injury victims manage chronic pain, stimulate nerves to maintain feeling in their body, and stop muscles from losing their strength, especially if they suffer from an incomplete spinal cord injury.

Latest Devices For Spinal Cord Injuries

Rehabilitation procedures have moved on significantly from standard physical therapy through low-impact exercise, and now, many treatment centres use innovative devices to try to maintain the most critical bodily functions. Here are some of the latest devices that are used to treat some of the most serious injuries in spinal cords:

Spinal Cord Simulators

Spinal cord simulators are one of the most useful devices used in rehabilitation and can be particularly beneficial for those with lower spinal cord injuries. These simulators work by sending electrical signals to the spinal cord to simulate the processes that nerves go through and improve function.

This device uses electrodes implanted under the skin and sends a pulse to the nerves from the spinal cord. One of the most beneficial parts of this device is that it can be used to treat chronic pain, manage muscle spasms and even maintain critical function over organs like the bladder and bowel.

Wearable Exoskeletons

Wearable exoskeletons are one of the most popular rehabilitation devices. These provide those with spinal cord injuries with a wearable robotic device designed to provide a frame to either the upper or lower body and offer structured support and mimic the patient’s movements.

Robotic joints can be programmed to respond to the patient’s movements and facilitate walking, arm movements, gripping and much more. One of the primary benefits of wearable exoskeletons is that they can improve balance, giving those who have experienced a spinal cord injury more confidence in basic functions.

Neural Interfaces

Neural interfaces are some of the most ingenious spinal cord rehabilitation devices but also some of the most invasive. These consist of devices inserted into the brain or into the spinal cord to provide direct communication between the brain and prosthetic devices. Say, for example, that you experienced paraplegia due to a car accident. A neural interface may then be inserted into the brain and send signals to your robotic prosthesis to help you walk again.

This device can be instrumental in helping paralysis sufferers regain near complete control of their limbs or to control other electronic devices. Much like the central nervous system, neural interfaces send electrical signals to the part of the body that the patient thinks about moving.

A computer algorithm then decodes this signal and sends instructions to the prosthetic device. By bypassing a damaged spinal cord, gives patients many of their basic motor functions back.

Weight Bearing Treadmills

During rehabilitation, occupational therapy professionals may encourage those with temporary paralysis or other life-altering but not permanently debilitating spinal cord injuries to exercise to rebuild muscle and strength. One of the best ways to manage physical injuries in this way is to use weight-bearing treadmills.

These devices can help patients learn to walk again while supporting their weight. This stops them from experiencing extreme pain or from falling and helps them rebuild muscle and motor function that they may have lost in a serious accident.

A weight-bearing treadmill can help build vital sensory and motor function back into the legs and feet, giving patients confidence in their balance and eventually helping them to walk on their own again.

Functional Electrical Stimulation

Functional electrical stimulation (FES) works by sending electrical signals with the help of electrodes to the muscles and nerves. This stimulates muscles to spasm and rebuilds strength during physical therapy. The electrical signals sent from these electrodes may also help reconnect nerves, helping to restore their normal function that may have been lost during a car accident, fall or medical malpractice.

Wearable Robotic Platforms

Similar to wearable robotic devices, wearable robotic platforms that control the lower body can be especially beneficial for helping children to walk. These platforms provide repetitive and consistent gait patterns at a steady speed to help physical therapists build strength without tiring the muscles. Wearable robotic platforms can be revolutionary in managing traumatic brain injuries and can help children reclaim their independence and experience independent movement.

Have You or a Loved One Experienced a Spinal Cord or Brain Injury Due to Someone Else’s Negligence? Contact a Personal Injury Lawyer in Hamilton from Virk Lawyers

Navigating personal injury cases can be a daunting experience, especially when balancing rehabilitation costs and medical expenses. If you have experienced a spinal cord injury or brain injury, you need the help of a knowledgeable and compassionate personal injury lawyer in Hamilton and that is Virk Lawyers. We can help clients like you reach a settlement or secure the compensation you deserve to manage costly rehabilitation bills, vehicle and home modifications, equipment and medications, and much more.

Our spinal cord injury lawyers in Hamilton can treat your spinal cord injury claim with care and compassion. Contact us for a free consultation, or speak to an experienced spinal cord injury lawyer today, and let us take your personal injury rehabilitation seriously.

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