New Laws Proposed to Stop Speeding

Speeding and road safety has been a longstanding issue in Ontario. High speed motor vehicle accidents result in some of the most severe or even catastrophic personal injuries. Regrettably, despite stay-at-home orders and public gathering restrictions during this COVID-19 pandemic crisis, a surprising trend has been the increase in speeding and other dangerous traffic offences on Ontario roads. Speeding tickets are up nearly 30 per cent during the pandemic, stunt driving charges more than double, Toronto police say according to a news article. 

Considering such alarming developments, the Government of Ontario has introduced a new legislation titled Moving Ontarians More Safely Act, 2021 in order to combat street racing or stunt driving, and aggressive and unsafe driving on our roads.  

“The legislation will help protect people and families by targeting those who engage in stunt driving and unsafe, high-risk driving. The legislation also includes measures to protect vulnerable road users, such as pedestrians and highway workers, improve truck safety, and strengthen provincial oversight of the towing sector.” 

The proposed changes aim to provide stiffer penalties for speeding and other dangerous traffic offences. Among other measures, the license suspension would be changed from 7 days to 30 days and impoundment be increased to 2 weeks from the current 1 week. Moreover, in places where the posted speed limit is under 80 km/h, the street racing or stunt driving threshold would be lowered to 40km/h above the limit. Repeat offenders would receive a lifetime suspension of their driving license if they were caught 4 times for street racing or stunt driving. 

It is essential that we all drive responsibly and always follow the rules of the road. Speeding and reckless driving has a real and human cost – property damage, personal injury, or even death to the participating driver(s) and to innocent victims such as other motorists, cyclist, and pedestrians.  

If you have sustained personal injury due to a speeding, street racing or stunt driving accident, the lawyers at Virk Personal Injury Law are available to explain your rights and different options to obtain compensation.

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